Implementations of a SiO2:Al2O3 Stull Chart using various Javascript libraries.
The Glazy Stull Chart overlay was inspired by the original work of R.T. Stull and the continued research of Matt Katz.
For more information, see R.T. Stull's original article in Transactions of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 14, pages 62-70.
Also see Matt Katz's online courses on Ceramic Materials Workshop
The primary difficulty with making Stull Charts in Javascript is combining the bottom "region" layers with an overlapping scatter plot of actual UMF analyses for recipes. Furthermore, each point in the scatter plot contains additional color-coded information (R2O:RO).
After experimenting with a number of Javascript charting libraries, it seems that d3 is ultimately the best choice due to its ability to draw complex charts with multiple layers. This d3 example uses actual recipe data from an externally loaded JSON file.
While having a much simpler interface than d3, Chart.js does allow one to combine a line chart (for drawing the underlying Stull regions) with scatter plot data.
Hover over link with mouse to highlight the recipe on the Stull Chart.
This is a static version of the Highcharts implementation on
Full implementation on Glazy